Renowned Nollywood actress Omotola Jalade Ekeinde recently indulged in a wave of nostalgia as she reminisced about some iconic Nollywood movies that left an indelible mark on the industry. With a career spanning over two decades, the veteran actress took to social media to share clips from legendary films such as “Yankee Girls,” “Games Women Play,” “Blood Sisters,” “All My Life,” and “Kosorogun.”
Accompanying the video snippets, the mother of four expressed her admiration for the pivotal role Nollywood played in showcasing Nigeria to the world before the rise of Afrobeats. Despite the modest production quality and the absence of social media during that era, Omotola Jalade Ekeinde emphasized how these movies broke barriers and introduced Nigerian entertainment on a global scale.
In her heartfelt caption, she highlighted the significance of Nollywood’s early contributions, stating, “Someone sent me some of these videos, and it was nostalgic… Despite the not-so-good quality… No social media… these movies broke barriers. Way before Afrobeats, we introduced Nigerian entertainment to the world. We still do.”
See her post below:
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