Rivers State Governor Sim Fubara Defies Impeachment Threat, Challenges Opponents to Justify Allegations

Governor Addresses Crowd After Ally’s Removal, Pledges to Defend Rivers Residents Amidst Political Turmoil

In a bold and defiant stance, Rivers State Governor Sim Fubara has declared his resistance against any unjustified attempt to impeach him. The governor, addressing a gathered crowd on Monday morning following a minor altercation with security operatives en route to the Rivers House of Assembly, asserted his commitment to defending the people of Rivers State.

The declaration comes on the heels of the removal of Hon Edison Ehie, an ally of Governor Fubara, on Monday, leading to heightened speculation about a reported plot to impeach the governor.

Facing a predominantly youthful audience, Governor Fubara dared his political opponents to specify any wrongdoing on his part before contemplating his removal. He reassured the people, stating, “I know how you people are feeling, just take it easy. Great Rivers State youths. Great! When we have the youth, we have power.”

Reflecting on the troubling news of his ally’s removal and the alleged attempt on his life by security operatives, Fubara remained resolute. “On my way there, I was shot at directly by the operation, or whatever they call it. But it doesn’t matter, somebody will die one day. Whether you die inside your house or on the road. So my journey today, whatever it is that wants to happen, let it happen.”

Fubara challenged his opponents to articulate any legitimate grounds for his impeachment, stating, “If Siminalayi Fubara is in peace, I am not a force neither will I be…What I’m saying is that any attempt that is not justified will be resisted.”

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Expressing gratitude for the support of the people, Fubara pledged to continue defending and protecting the residents of Rivers State. “My happiness this morning is that the people of Rivers State, represented by everybody here are with us. Let me remind you people that we will continue to defend you people. We will protect you people and enjoy the dividends of democracy.”

As political tensions escalate, Governor Fubara hinted at addressing the press at an appropriate time, leaving the public with the assurance that he remains committed to the well-being and democratic rights of the people of Rivers State.



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