Drama unfolded in the Big Brother Naija All Stars house on Wednesday night as housemate Angel Smith found herself considering leaving the reality TV show following a heated clash with fellow contestant Ilebaye. Watch the clash here
The verbal exchange between the two contestants became intense, with Ilebaye accusing Angel of deliberately trying to provoke her to anger, citing her quiet demeanor and status as the youngest member of the house. The heated confrontation left Angel feeling frustrated and contemplating a voluntary exit from the All Stars house.
In response to her emotions, Angel began packing her bags, indicating her intention to meet with Big Brother in the diary room and request to leave the show voluntarily. However, her friends and fellow housemates, Venita and Mercy Eke, stepped in to dissuade her from making such a drastic decision over a misunderstanding with a co-contestant. They urged her not to throw away her chance of winning the coveted N120 million cash prize.
Despite Angel’s fatigue with the show and her desire to leave, Venita and Mercy continued to persuade her against making the bold move of asking Big Brother for an exit. The tension among the housemates remained palpable as they navigated the emotional highs and lows of the competition.
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