The Big Brother Naija reality show, known for its intensity and captivating drama, is nearing its conclusion, and the house’s ongoing conflicts continue to grab headlines.
A recent development has thrust Venita into the spotlight once again, this time due to her strong opinions about fellow housemate Ilebaye and the coveted prize money. In a candid conversation with Mercy, Venita didn’t hold back when expressing her desire for Ilebaye to exit the competition and forfeit her chance to win the prize money. Venita’s remarks were marked by disapproval as she discussed the necessity for Biggie, the show’s organizer, to remove Ilebaye from the house.
These statements emerged in the wake of a series of events and exchanges between Venita and Ilebaye that have unfolded over the past few days in the house. The palpable tension between the two housemates has not gone unnoticed by viewers and fellow contestants alike.
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