Uriel Oputa, a former contestant of the Big Brother Naija reality show, has boldly expressed her conviction that she could have emerged as the winner of the ‘All Stars’ edition had she not faced an early eviction from the competition.
The enthusiastic fitness advocate, whose journey within Biggie’s house was cut short on August 13, has firmly asserted that her premature departure represented a missed opportunity to secure the highly coveted top position. Uriel’s eviction verdict was rendered by a panel of jurors comprising former housemates Laycon, Teddy A, and Diane. Despite the outcome, Uriel stands by her belief that a longer stay in the BBNaija house could have propelled her into the top five or even helped her clinch the grand prize.
Taking a candid stance on the treatment of the current 22-year-old contestant, Ilebaye, Uriel didn’t shy away from voicing her opinion. She pointed out that instances of bullying aimed at Ilebaye by fellow housemates seemed to have backfired, inadvertently boosting the young contestant’s popularity and garnering more votes in her favor.
Beyond discussing her own BBNaija experience, Uriel seized the opportunity to express her admiration for another housemate, Neo. In a curious revelation, Uriel disclosed that despite the age disparity between herself and Neo, she holds a special fondness for him. She cited Neo’s appealing fragrance, shared interest in the fitness lifestyle that she passionately promotes, and his remarkable fashion sense as the driving forces behind her admiration. Watch her speak below:
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